Dying young woman with acute abdomen at home settings – a typical home hospice patient


  • Irena Závadová Domácí hospic Cesta domů, z.ú.


home hospice, home care, case report


In this case report, the author tries to demonstrate a typical patient who can stay at home settings only under the conditions of permanently available medical and nursing care in close cooperation with the entire multi-professional hospice team. A 35-year-old woman with a recently diagnosed generalized tumor of colon sigmoideum was referred to a home hospice after cessation of anticancer treatment. The difficult social situation of a young mother of two small children, the different level of acceptance of the end of her life by individual members of the household and the development of an acute abdomen represented a complex situation that would not be possible to manage at home without a multi-professional home hospice team.



How to Cite

Závadová I. Dying young woman with acute abdomen at home settings – a typical home hospice patient. PAL.MED.CZ. 2021;2(2):62–64. Accessed March 31, 2025. https://www.palmed.cz/pm/article/view/80



Palliative care