Home Hospice or Home Care – which is which?


  • Irena Závadová Domácí hospic Cesta domů, z.ú.


home hospic, mobile specialized palliative care


Home hospices are a specialized health and social service designed for dying patients in their
own social environment. However, home care providers also take care of the dying patients at
home in cooperation with general practitioners. The following article attempts to clarify the basic differences between home hospice (mobile specialized palliative care) and home care, discuss indication criteria for home hospice and thus help professionals in orientation in the issue. The primary goal of home hospice is to prevent unnecessary hospitalization of the dying.
This leads to an indication - a patient with a presumed short prognosis – days to few weeks – along with complex physical and psycho-socio-spiritual suffering and unstable symptoms. Patient in need for continuous availability of doctor and nurse and with the need for the support of other members of the multiprofessional team (psychologist / psychotherapist, social worker, chaplain, etc.).


Klíčová slova: domácí hospic, mobilní specializovaná paliativní péče

Key words: home hospic, mobile specialized palliative care



How to Cite

Závadová I. Home Hospice or Home Care – which is which?. PAL.MED.CZ. 2021;2(2):56–61. Accessed December 4, 2024. https://www.palmed.cz/pm/article/view/79



Palliative care