Students‘ evaluation of Education in Palliative Medicine in a Medical School


  • Daniel Suk KPM VFN Praha
  • Ondřej Kopecký Klinika paliativní medicíny, 1. LF UK a VFN Praha
  • Denisa Mlčochová Klinika paliativní medicíny, 1. LF UK a VFN Praha
  • Michal Kouba
  • Mahulena Exnerová Klinika paliativní medicíny, 1. LF UK a VFN Praha
  • Irena Závadová Domácí hospic Cesta domů z.ú., Praha
  • Kateřina Rusinová Klinika paliativní medicíny, 1. LF UK a VFN Praha


education, communication, palliative medicine


Palliative medicine is taught as an optional course at most medical faculties. We present results of student evaluation of the course Fundamentals of Communication and Palliative Medicine, which was included in the compulsory curriculum of the 3rd year of General Medicine at the 1st Faculty of Medicine in the Academic Year 2021/2022. 

72.7% of students participated in the evaluation and three main findings emerged from the data: 1. Students highly value the course and would like to spend more time on it in shorter blocs, 2. Students prefer deeper integration of the teaching with other subjects (especially with propedeutics, medical psychology, bioethics) 3.  Students would appreciate greater availability of study materials.

Systematic evaluation of student feedback is an essential resource for improving the educational quality. Sharing content and assessment of teaching may also contribute to faster integration of palliative medicine into professional training of medical students.



How to Cite

Suk D, Kopecký O, Mlčochová D, et al. Students‘ evaluation of Education in Palliative Medicine in a Medical School. PAL.MED.CZ. 2022;3(3):18–27. Accessed January 18, 2025.



Palliative care